Great Bear Chalet

野生动物之旅, 度假村及荒野小屋

8080 Mackenzie Highway, Hagensborg, British Columbia, V0T 1H0


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Allow us to make our ecologically responsible Chalet your private wilderness retreat. Enjoy an exclusive stay and celebrate the reign of the grizzly bear as monarch over our Valley home. Experience the awe and humility of true coexistence in some of the most spectacular wildness found on earth. Situated in the heart of Tweedsmuir Provincial Park, the Great Bear Chalet provides a wilderness home for the days you choose to be here with us. Your stay here at the Chalet is all-inclusive – accommodation, meals , Guided walks/eco-rafting river drifts (fully accredited), private suite/bath (2 suites only), transport, Airport shuttle (if required), etc., is included in our rate of $700 CAN per person, per night (plus 5% GST). Come live in ‘green’ elegance along the riverbank in the Bella Coola Valley – gateway to the Great Bear Rainforest. Re-wild your Spirit; make unforgettable memories; thrive in this living Eden – “Be at home in a grizzly kingdom.”

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