Maple Leaf Adventures
划船, 美食之旅, 原住民文化, 观鲸, 野生动物之旅
划船, 美食之旅, 原住民文化, 观鲸, 野生动物之旅Explore the natural wonders and wildlife of the inside passage, including Vancouver Island, the Great Bear Rainforest and Haida Gwaii. These week-long safaris by water are operated by expert guides and naturalists of this award-winning, locally owned ecotourism company. They include plenty of time ashore exploring rainforest, archipelagos, fjords and wild beaches, as well as cultural sites and hot springs. Wildlife viewing (bears, whales, seabirds, marine mammals) is a specialty of this company. Off the roadmap, you’ll explore by yacht and anchor in quiet coves at night. Detailed itineraries are on the website.
Bella Bella, 卡里布齐科廷海岸 (Cariboo Chilcotin Coast), 大熊雨林 (Great Bear Rainforest), 海湾群岛 (Gulf Islands), 海达瓜依 (Haida Gwaii/Queen Charlotte Islands), 不列颠哥伦比亚省北部 (Northern British Columbia), 温哥华岛北部 (Northern Vancouver Island), Port Alice, 麦克尼尔港 (Port McNeill), 鲁珀特王子港 (Prince Rupert), 夏洛特皇后城 (Queen Charlotte City), 赛特纳岛 (Saturna Island), 悉尼 (Sidney), 史都华凯瑟及16号公路 (Stewart-Cassiar & Highway 16), 温哥华岛 (Vancouver Island), 维多利亚 (Victoria), 考伊琴山谷及温哥华岛南部 (Cowichan and Southern Vancouver Island)Victoria