骑行, 健行, 公园与野生动物保护区, 越野滑雪, 露营地和房车营地
骑行, 健行, 公园与野生动物保护区, 越野滑雪, 住宿信息, 露营地和房车营地E. C. Manning Provincial Park is a focus of outdoor recreation that is unique in British Columbia. Located in the heart of the Cascade Mountains, it is within a three hour drive from either the Lower Mainland (Vancouver) or the Okanagan. The climate and geography have combined to make this park an all-season recreation area. There are 4 provincial front-country campgrounds within the park, and multiple backcountry campsites. Within E.C. Manning Provincial Park, there are incredible hiking trails, and multi-purpose trails for biking, horseback riding, snowshoeing, cross-country ski and back-country trails in the winter. The park contains a large number of scenic, historic, floral and fauna attractions with opportunities for fishing, paddling and bird watching. E.C. Manning Park protects over 70 000 hectares of diversified terrain varying from the towering cedar rainforest of Sumallo Grove to the rare 2000+ year old Subalpine Larch forest on Mount Frosty.
E.C. Manning Provincial Park